Reuben Harvey-Smith was rushed to A&E after he had accidentally burned himself.


Two days later when Reuben still had a fever and a sore throat, his mum Louise brought him back to Ipswich Hospital where doctors told Louise that her son had tonsillitis.


Giving him antibiotics and sending him home, Louise was still worries and worried that things were not right with her son.


She was right.


Doctors at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital worried the boy could be in toxic shock and by the end of the day, Reuben was fighting for his life.


A short while later he had to have both legs amputated as well as seven fingers.



Since the mistake was made, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust have admitted liability saying i correctly diagnosed earlier, Reuben's fingers and legs could have been saved.


"He came round from the operation and the first thing he did was ask for 'mummy cuddles' and his dinner," Louise said of her son's recovery.


"He looked at his amputated legs and said 'poorly feet gone, get new ones'. He just accepts it and gets on with things," the mum told ITV.


"He never gets frustrated."



Louise is now turning her efforts to raising funds and awareness.


Reuben must have his prosthetic legs replaces twice a year with each pair costing around £6,000.


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