Too Good To Go is calling on all Dubliners to join the movement. Too Good To Go is the world’s largest B2C marketplace for surplus food, and empowers the public and local businesses to fight food waste by offering ‘Surprise Bags’ of surplus food at the end of the day to stop it from going to waste.
Dublin is the first city in Ireland to join the movement, with an array of quality partners, including three beloved local businesses: KC Peaches, Tang, and Camerino bakery.
As of today, anyone with the app is able to purchase a ‘Surprise Bag’ of food at one-third of the retail price from diverse local restaurants, bakeries, cafes, stores, and other food sellers. The Surprise Bag is unique to Too Good To Go and addresses the unpredictable nature of food waste, allowing businesses the flexibility to save any and all food, including prepared food and beverages, that would otherwise go to waste.
This win-win-win model means businesses reduce waste and generate income on food that would otherwise have been thrown out; food lovers discover new businesses and delicious food; and because food waste is responsible for 10 percent of all greenhouse gases, the planet benefits.
Food waste is a global issue, but Ireland is undoubtedly a contributor. Research shows much of Ireland's food waste costing €300 million is avoidable. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that 250,000 tonnes of food waste are generated annually by commercial food businesses such as restaurants, shops, and workplace canteens. Limiting food waste is also the #1 solution to fight the climate crisis and to stop global temperatures from rising.
“There’s a natural alignment for our app in Ireland,” said Jamie Crummie, Too Good To Go Co-Founder. “We’re excited about the potential the app has to make an immediate impact among Dubliners, who pride themselves on being environmentally - and food waste-conscious, but who may not have access to the tools that help them be part of the solution. When we think of tackling huge, global problems, the task can feel daunting. Too Good To Go provides a simple, tangible action that will empower Irish app users to contribute to the fight as part of their daily behaviours. By saving a Surprise Bag on their way home from work or on their way to meet friends, they’re doing their part and getting some delicious food in the process.
We know that the enthusiasm we’re feeling from our amazing partners in Dublin is just the beginning and we can’t wait for the entire capital to start discovering Surprise Bags and leading the movement in Ireland.”
The app, which already has more than 40 million active users in 16 other international markets, has empowered Waste Warriors to save more than 91 million meals since 2016. In 2020 alone, Too Good To Go welcomed over 50,000 new partners and saved more than 28 million meals from going to waste.
The easy-to-use Too Good To Go app is available in the app store now.