It's only when you have your first child that you really begin to understand the strange habits of other parents and just why they get so excited the first time their child uses the toilet.
Here are our top ten things only mums and dads will understand:
  1. Calling out the names of all your children before getting to the name you actually want.
  2. Primary school homework is hard – Google is great for when you’re stuck.  
  3. Making funny noises when driving around corners – you’ll do anything to keep the kids entertained.  
  4. Thinking everything your little one does is amazing.  
  5. Going to the bathroom simply for peace and quiet
  6. Singing or humming the theme tune of your kid’s favourite TV show ...while at work.
  7. Opening up the kids menu as soon as you arrive in the restaurant.
  8. Swear you can hear your baby crying even though you are nowhere near them.  
  9. Sleeping in till 9am is the best lie in ever.
  10. Finally understanding the reasoning behind their own parent's madness. 
Do you recognise any?

