Getting your child into the habit of reading from a young age is one of the most important things you can do. And with so many books available, your little one will never grow bored or even run out of something to read.
With Christmas just around the corner, why not head to your local library or book shop and pick up one or all of our top five festive books for children:
The Christmas Wish by Lori Evert
For ages 3+
This follows the story of Anja who wants to be one of Santa's elves and her adventure to the North Pole to meet the man himself.
Dream Snow by Eric Carle
For ages 3+
This stunningly illustrated festive book is about a farmer who is worried that Christmas won’t be able to come because there isn’t any snow.
Olive, The Other Reindeer by Vivian Walsh
For ages 5+
Everybody wants to give Santa a helping hand on Christmas Eve and when Olive the dog suddenly believes that she is the ‘other reindeer’ she makes her way to Santa’s workshop and uses her unusual skills to help out the team.
Rock Star Santa by Gayle C Krause and Will Terry
For ages 3+
Santa doesn’t just make and deliver toys for children, as this brightly coloured fun book shows, he’s a bit of a rock star as well.
The Nutcracker retold by John Cech, illustrated by Eric Puybaret
For ages 5+
A well loved classic this version retold by Eric Puybaret follows the story Marie as she travels to the Nutcracker’s homeland, battling the Mouse King along the way. It’s only years later that she finally meets the Nutcacker in person.
When Santa Fell to Earth by Cornelia Funke
For ages 9+
When Twinklestar the reindeer crashes the sleigh, Santa ends up meeting Jeremiah Goblynch, the leader of the Council of Yuleland who wants to put a stop to Christmas. In the end Santa and his helpers have to try to save the day. 

