Being the mum of a toddler is an extremely rewarding job, most days; some days it can be a battle of wills, if we're being honest.


However, life has its little surprises and as you work your way through the minefield that is the toddler years, you are being taught a few things about yourself and about life in general.


If you are the proud mum of a three-year-old, you will no doubt have learned these things along your journey to where you are now.


The smell of vomit lingers for a long time

Babies and toddlers don’t have any qualms about getting sick right where they stand, even if it means you have to spend hours cleaning sick out of every nook and cranny, and you can still smell it for a month after.


You don’t get as easily embarrassed as you once thought

Embarrassed, you? No way. Kids aren’t ones for holding their tongue often shouting out words that they really shouldn’t know, and even if you used to go crimson at the slightest thing, your little one will definitely change that.


Lack of sleep is no bother to you

Before you had your darling one, you couldn’t get by unless you had at least six hours of sleep, but now you’ll be well rested after three hours, sort of.


You can hold your tongue even if you have just stepped on a piece of Lego

The last thing we want to do is teach our little one bad words; even if the only thing you want to do is shout out a profundity after you have hurt yourself, you are able to hold your tongue.


The smell of poo is not that bad

It’s not really, is it? Well, unless it is someone else’s child, now that is a different story.


That the washing machine is an invention of pure genius

You loved the washing machine before your little one arrived but now you’ve started potty training you really love it


Life is unexpected

No matter how much you like to plan things ahead and know what’s coming up, a baby will show you that life is unexpected. 

