It seems that screen time has a real pull over our little ones these days. For some, that obsession with the virtual world may even be diagnosable.
The World Health Organisation will include the condition 'gaming disorder' in the draft of their 11th International Classification of Diseases (ICD), reports.
The ICD guide classifies different ailments and provides signs and symptoms in order to assist doctors with their diagnoses.
This is the first time the WHO has listed video game addiction as a disorder.
In the draft, the condition is described as 'a pattern of recurrent gaming behaviour' that escalates to the point where it 'takes precedence over other life interests and daily activities'.
The document also says that those with gaming disorder will continue to play despite 'the occurrence of negative consequences' in their personal lives.
This addictive behaviour has to have been present for a year before a diagnosis can be made, the guide states, but there may be special exceptions if the person's symptoms are 'severe'.
Research by psychologist Dr. Douglas Gentile from Iowa State University suggests about one out of ten gamers is addicted. Several countries have already pinpointed gaming addiction as a health issue.
In the UK, those with the condition can visit treatment clinics and in South Korea children under 16 have an online gaming ban from midnight to 6am. Japan's gamers are alerted if they exceed a certain amount of playing time in a month.
What do you think of this addition to the ICD guide, mums?