Most of us brush our children’s teeth until they are old enough to do it themselves and then simply supervise them from then on. But as they enter the early teen years, our kids won’t be willing to come in and open their mouth while you inspect the job!


However, considering your youngster will now have all their adult teeth, it is more important than ever to ensure they are properly cared for.


It’s not a huge ordeal, but with a few simple tips your tween’s teeth can stay strong and healthy.


1. Discuss the benefits of proper brushing

Now is the time to reiterate why it is so important to keep your teeth clean – to prevent decay and gum disease. A few gentle reminders every now and then is all that is needed to ensure they don’t forget.


2. Make sure they are brushing properly

Your son or daughter needs to use a pea-sized amount and brush at a 45° angle using gentle, circular movements. An electric toothbrush can ensure their teeth are given the extra clean, and don’t forget to remind them to floss.



3. Take them for regular check-ups

Make sure you take your youngster to the dentist at least once a year so that if there is anything wrong it can be caught early. If you have any concerns do take them straight away – it’s better to be safe than sorry.


4. What happens if a tooth falls out?

Losing a tooth is not as uncommon as you might like to believe, and can happen when they are playing sports, riding their bike or even just out with their friends. However, it can be a pretty worrying when they lose an adult tooth as another one won’t grow in its place.


If your tween’s tooth is knocked out, make sure you do the following:

  • Hold it by its crown.
  • Rinse it in milk or saline solution if it’s dirty, and don’t allow it to dry out.
  • Put the tooth back into the hole and get your teen to hold it in place by biting down on tin foil or a cloth.
  • Go to the dentist. 

