Being a tween is not easy, they’re on the verge of those dreaded teenage years but are definitely too old to be treated like a child anymore. Despite all of the difficulties our tweens face we cannot help but love the stage of life that they’re currently in. Here are few reasons why the tween years are the best years.
Help with chores
They are at the perfect age to help with chores around the house. They’re not too young for some tasks but not too old to give you an attitude about it either.
Enjoy Family Time
Take advantage of family time with your tween, because once they enter those dreaded teen years, it will be impossible to get their attention.
Clothes shopping
Dressing a teen is definitely not an easy feat, but with your tween, it can actually be fun. They are at the perfect age to not let the latest trends have an effect on them but they still want to develop their own sense of style.
Enjoy the meals you cook
Feeding your tween is definitely a lot easier than trying to encourage your child’s younger self to sit down and finish their dinner. It’s best to take advantage of this while you can, as once they become a teen, they will quickly develop their own dietary requirements.
Tweens imaginations are still extremely active, so it can be a lot easier to encourage them to go outside and play. They’ve also reached a mature stage when it comes to playing as well, they’re more aware of rules and how to play fair.
They still need your help
Your tween will actually want to sit down and talk to you about their day, instead of the one-worded answers most teens often give their parents. They will still need your help and advice when it comes to many things and more importantly they won’t be afraid to ask for it. 

