So there I am, rushing around half dressed with one eye made up, trying to squeeze a sandwich into a lunchbox, it's 8.25am and someone's just announced that they need to poo.
That's pretty much my average morning before I head out to TV3 looking vaguely attractive to do my other job!
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my two babies AND my job but at times (as mums know) juggling the two can leave one frazzled and exhausted. I often look at other mums at the school gates with half admiration and half resentment as I see their perfect shiny hair and flawless make-up as I wipe the mascara from under my tired eyes and realise that I have Holly's clip in my hair (she's nearly 2).
Like all mums, my day starts with 'mummy!' yelled quite loudly followed by a fake cough. This is usually around 7am. At 7.01am we all go downstairs, put the kettle on, switch the telly on, brekkie is served and then the negotiations over Jack’s packed lunch begin:
“Well if you eat grapes you can have a Cadbury Egg ‘n’ Spoon treat later”....and it goes on!
Then I dress them, as they stand there or sometimes help, and then it's on to the kids sitting on our bed to wait while the adults shower.
Hubby Richard showers and heads off to work and then it's my turn. It's kind of a miracle if I can get through a two minute shower without hearing “that’s mine!” or “mummy!!!”.
So, 8.30am and off to school we go, usually cutting it quite fine. First, our four-year-old Jack goes to Montessori, followed by my nearly two-year-old Holly's crèche drop off. By the time I've talked to teachers and parents, it's well after 9am and I leg it home to get my stuff ready for work.
I grab my ‘show’ clothes and off I head to TV3 for 10.15am, where I'm greeted by a team of people who I've grown to love - The Late Lunch Livers!
Scripts checked, meetings had, lots of coffee, then into make-up where Barbara changes me from Shrek to Princess Fiona and off we go into studio for our one hour live show starting at 2.30pm!
I eat and laugh my way through 'LATE LUNCH LIVE' and have great fun with Martin. I genuinely love it.
After the show and a meeting, I head back into the jungle again, aka: home. Then it's dinner, baths, bed and the occasional glass of red wine!
By the time I close my eyes (in my very attractive PJs) it's 10pm and I sleep like a baby...then I wake up and it starts all over again!
Lucy Kennedy is ambassador for the Cadbury Dairy Milk Egg ‘n’ Spoon Share ‘n’ Moments of Joy campaign. Go to @CadburyIreland or to find out more!

