You asked

How do I manage my tweens technology use?

Establishing rules about technology in the home can be difficult. Technology, like games consoles, television and the internet shouldn’t affect family time together.
It’s important to remind kids that using technology is a privilege, not a right.
Need help establishing technology rules in your home? Let technology bring your family closer to each other, not make the family its servant and keep you apart.
Set a family media policy—decide who can use which forms of technology, when and where it’s acceptable, and how you will monitor usage.  
Establish consequences, both positive and negative, for appropriate technology usage.  
Establish “technology-free” zones and times in your home when you all “unplug” and concentrate on communicating with each other and enjoying each other’s company.
Help your children achieve balance in their lives by encouraging them to stay physically active, enjoy reading, and learn to relax and have fun without electronics.

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