We love a romantic tale here at MummyPages HQ, and this adorable story from Japan has almost moved us to tears today.


A Japanese man has quite possibly earned himself the title of ‘husband of the decade’, after planting a ‘carpet’ of sweet-smelling blossoms around his house for his blind wife to enjoy.


The Kurokis, who have been married for 60 years, are originally dairy farmers. Life took a sad turn for them, however, when Mrs Kuroki went blind at age 52, due to complications from diabetes.



As reported by RocketNews24, Mrs Kuroki grew disillusioned and withdrawn, and she began to live life confined inside her house. Mr Kuroki knew he had to do something to cheer his wife up, and was determined to get as many friends and family members as possible over to visit her.


It was after spotting a beautiful and sweet-scented pink shibazakura flower blooming in his garden that Mr Kuroki was struck with an amazing idea: he would plant a carpet of these pink flowers all around the house for his wife to smell and enjoy.


Mr Kuroki went on to spend the next two years planting the stunning flowers all around his house and, slowly but surely as they came into bloom, his wife began to come outside to enjoy nature again.



This dedicated husband managed to achieve something even more important, however – with the flowers creating a stunning scene on the Kuroki land, word soon spread and people began to flock from far and wide to check out the pink shibazakura wonder for themselves.


Now, a decade later, the Kurokis play host to hundreds of visitors – and Mrs Kuroki is never without company.


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