Traditional medical literature has always advised us that, once we hit the big 3-0, we need to get our baby-making skates on.


However, thankfully, the tide is now beginning to turn, and age is not so much of an issue these days when it comes to family-planning.


The cause is greatly helped by a new study highlighting an incredible new discovery regarding older mums.



According to scientists in the US, having a baby after the age of 35 has been proven to boost a woman’s brain power.


The team of researchers carried out a study across 830 post-menopausal women, to investigate whether or not there is a connection between mental agility and having babies later in life.


The results were startling: women who became mums after 35 were found to have better memories and mental agility; this was in comparison to mums who stopped having kids earlier in life.



Published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, the study results also suggest that welcoming babies after 35 could even reduce the risk of memory loss in older women.


Raise your hands, mums over 35!


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