The first 1000 days
Questions & Answers
I'm planning on breastfeeding when my daughter is born and I need your advice?
When can I introduce bottles?
When you have severe morning sickness, how is your baby receiving proper nutrition?
Will morning sickness affect my baby?
In the USA pregnant women take ante natal vitamins. This is not the case in Ireland why?
Should I take ante natal vitamins?
I am currently 31 weeks pregnant - how important is it to take iron tablets every day?
Top tips on taking iron tablets during pregnany...
Should I take iron at 30 weeks of pregnancy - if so in what form?
Should I take iron at 30 weeks of pregnancy?
What is considered a healthy weight gain during pregnancy?
Every Mum-to-be is different and will gain a different amount of weight during pregnancy
How important is it to be a healthy weight before getting pregnant?
For lots of reasons, it is a good idea to reach a healthy, ideal weight before you become pregnant – for both you and baby.