There are plenty of options for pain relief during labour and for some mums-to-be, who don’t want to have an injection or take anything, the TENS machine works really well for them.


If you are considering using this option, here’s everything you need to know:


What is it?

A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation machine (TENS) is a small battery powered device with sticky pads that you attach to your body. It transmits small electrical pulses which stimulate the production of endorphins (natural pain relief). It can be used for a number of conditions and a maternity TENS machine is effective for the early stages of labour.


How does it work?

Before you turn the device on you need to attach the sticky pads to your body. When switched on the machine sends small electrical currents through the pads resulting in a tingling sensation in your body. It then blocks pain signals being sent from the spine to the brain as well as stimulating the production of endorphins.


How long does it take?

It can take about 40 minutes for the machine to stimulate the body’s natural endorphins but the electrical stimulation can be increased as contractions become stronger.


How effective is it?

As with all forms of pain relief its effectiveness can vary between users. Currently there is not enough scientific evidence to say if the TENS machine is a reliable form of relief, but clinical experiences show that it works well for some people, although it varies for individual people.


Are there any risks?

While most women can use a TENS machine without any complications, as with all forms of pain relief, there is always a risk. You should only ever use the machine during the early stages of labour and never in the bath or shower.


When not to use one

You should never use a TENS machine if you have epilepsy, heart disease or a pacemaker and never place the pads on broken skin, new scars or varicose veins.


Where can you get one?

Check with your midwife to see if the hospital supplies them or they can recommend a company where you can rent one from.


