Nowadays, so many mums strive to be the ‘perfect parent’, and are often left stressed and exhausted as they try to ensure their child has the best of everything and doesn’t miss out on whatever their classmates are doing.


However, parenting doesn’t have to be all hard work and you shouldn’t be left worn out simply trying to ensure your kids are happy and healthy, here are ten ways to be the best parent you can be. 


Be yourself

Always be yourself. Remember, your child looks to you to see how to behave and if you strive to be or look like someone else, your son or daughter will follow suit. 


Enjoy ‘me-time’

Make sure you enjoy plenty of ‘me-time’ to recharge your batteries. Just because you are a mum doesn’t mean that you have to give up on everything you wanted to achieve. Reaching for your goals will inspire your kids to reach for theirs.


Set rules

Kids thrive on rules and regulations – sure if there were no rules they wouldn’t be able to rebel... So give them a set bedtime, a curfew and chores. This will not only give them structure, but will also benefit them as adults.


Let your child be themselves

Let your child be who they want to be. While it’s a great idea to introduce them to as many different activities as possible, don’t force them to do something they really don’t want to simply because you feel that they should be doing it.


Skip the guilt trips

Motherhood is full of guilt trips that don’t help you or the rest of your family. Ditch them and just get on with things.


Don’t fight to be in charge all the time

Parenting as a team is tough but trying to be the primary parent all the time is not going to benefit you or the children. Ensure a happy household by working as a team with your partner.


Don’t listen to unwanted advice

You are going to receive a lot of advice whether intentional or not from those with years of parenting experience. It is up to you if you want to listen to it - you are not obliged to.


Remember your child's age

It is easy to forget that your child is not an adult, especially if they are mature for their age. And we often find ourselves giving out to them for doing things that a child would do.


Enjoy quality time

Make the effort to enjoy quality time with your children – it is during these times when you will make lasting memories that they will look fondly back on.



Relax. If your child is happy and healthy and your family is ticking along nicely you already are being the best parent. 

