As mums, we are everything everyone; parents, counsellors, chefs, chauffeurs – the list goes on. But while we are undoubtedly amazing and beautiful creatures, sometimes we can’t help but fall foul to some embarrassing habits, just like these.


1. Put your clothes on backwards or inside-out

Let’s face it, between getting the kids and your significant other ready for the day ahead, sometimes you just don’t have the time to give yourself the once-over in the mirror. Walking around with your T-shirt on inside-out is just the tip of the iceberg.


2. Gone out with mush in your hair

Ah yes, who hasn’t made a fashion statement by stepping out with vomit or mushed-up biscuit lodged in their hair? Again, if we had time to look in the mirror we might catch it before getting those funny looks out on the street.


3. Been caught wearing pyjamas in public

Who hasn’t popped on their pyjamas underneath their clothes – or even just by themselves – on a random day, during the school run? While you may have every notion of remaining in the car while your little ones toddle off into class, you’re almost guaranteed that it will be the one morning the teacher wants a word. Disaster!


4. Used spit as a cleaning agent

Forget soap, spit seems to be nature’s natural cleaning agent the minute you become a mum. Just don’t try to scrub at their cheeks past the age of 10 – your children will kill you for it!




5. Forgotten to shower or wash 

Again, this is a timing issue. Who wouldn’t want to spend hours relaxing in the bath or exfoliating with their favourite body scrub? The reality of it is though, no sooner have you locked the bathroom door than you’re getting called left, right and centre, plagued with questions over missing school uniforms and lunches. Thank heavens for dry shampoo, is all we’ll say.


6. Dressed your child in the wrong clothes

How many times have you sent your little boy out in his sister’s T-shirt, or your daughter out in her brother’s tracksuit bottoms? If no one notices, it never happened!


7. Used your kids’ nicknames in inappropriate situations

Prepare for rolling eyes (from the adults) and dirty looks (from your not-so-little one) as you accidentally refer to them as “snookums” or “baba” – these are best kept for the home.



8. Given out in public

Sometimes your children frustrates you so much, and you get so angry that you just kind of forget your surroundings. We’ve all been there: standing in the middle of the canned goods aisle of the supermarket, giving out to our little ones for stealing bread rolls from the bakery department. It’s only when you stop and look around that you realise how many parents are shooting you disapproving looks.


9. Tried  (and failed) to be ‘cool’

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there, whether it’s keeping up appearances with the other mums or trying to be ‘down with the kids’ in front of your teenager’s friends. On second thoughts, that nose piercing and red dye job probably weren’t the best ideas after all.


10. Cried in public

We’re emotional creatures, and just like losing our tempers, it can be hard to keep the tears from flowing sometimes. Whether you’re particularly moved by a cute card your little one made for you, or you’re just having ‘one of those days’, sometimes you just can’t help but let the tears fall while riding on public transport.


