10 helpful parenting hacks that will get you through the winter!

Brrr... the cold has arrived which means parenting has become slightly more complicated.

We now must think of each little toe and each tiny finger as we get ready for the day. Our ears prick at the sound of a sniffle and we shiver at the sight of bare legs. Keeping our little ones happy and healthy can be a challenge, so here are 10 easy hacks for winter parenting that are sure to make it that bit easier! 

1. Attached a large keyring ring to the zip of your child's winter coat to help them zip it up easily.

2. When you take off your child's gloves or mittens, put one into each left and right pocket, so they can easily access them.

3. For those who are not a fan of hot chocolate, try using hot water in dilutable juice instead for a hot orange or hot blackcurrant drink.

4. For really wet and freezing days, put plastic ziplock bags over your child's socks before they put on their boots to go out and play. This one ensures that they will never get wet toes, even in non- waterproof footwear. 

5. Leave the oven door open after you are finished cooking to give your kitchen some extra heat, but don't let the children near it.

6. Tie a long piece of string to each of your child's gloves. Then, feed one glove through the left arm of her coat and the other through the right. This insured they never loose their little mits!

7. Try a no shoes in the house or upstairs policy in your home this winter. See how it goes- you can guarantee your home will be drier! 

8. If you or your little ones are suffering from chapped lips this winter, apply some lip balm (Carmex or Labello for the kiddos) before bedtime. While you sleep, your lips will be resting and can absorb the moisture more easily. 

9. If you have a curly head to deal with each morning, the winter months can sometimes increase the static in hair. To avoid this, pull a drier sheet over the bristles of your brush and poke them through. This will deionise the hair and get rid of static!

10. Keep a 'spares box' in the boot of your car. Collect spares of everything your kid wears on a winter day. From spare socks and gloves to hats and even spare wellies, this box will save your life one of these blustery days when a glove or two goes astray.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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