Many of us grew up with a fear of confrontation and an attitude of don't rock the boat, something that has definitely seeped into adulthood if recent research carried out by Lyons Tea is anything to go by.


In fact, a whopping 75% would keep quiet if we received the wrong order in a restaurant while 34% of us would feign an illness to get out of a social event - we've all done that, right?!


But why are we all so fearful about getting things off our chest?


We caught up with Pauline Browne, Marketing Director for Lyons, who shared three reasons why we like to keep things schtum. 


1. Lack of confidence

But 80% of respondents admitted that they find it SO much easier to open up and pour it out if they're clutching a cup of tea between their hands.



2. Up for the craic

The research showed that a staggering one-third of us will bail from a party the 'Irish' way ie. without saying goodbye to anyone, in case we're forever dubbed anti-craic by the others. 



3. Fear of confrontation

With a whopping 40% of respondents admitting that they hate confrontation and will avoid it at all costs, it's no surprise most of us are prone to a white lie or two.


Pauline explained that "as a nation of 'uncomplainers', we'd rather avoid a sticky situation with a porky than put anyone out with the truth".



SHARE if you can totally relate! 

