With Halloween just around the corner, we thought it was only fitting to pull a list of the top five scary places that you need to visit. These are just for mum and dad, although if you are bringing the kids along, we don’t recommend you tell them what kind of movie the location is from.
Nightmare on Elm Street
If you were a fan of the cult horror film, you might like to take a trip to see the house where Freddy live. Located in Genesee Avenue in LA, You won’t be able to go inside, but it’s scary enough from the outside as it is.
If you watched the 1976 film you will know exactly what happened in Palisades Charter High School in LA. It’s a real working school so you probably won’t get to go inside.
While it’s not one of the scariest movies, it still manages to make us jump. You can visit Sylvia State beach in Massachusetts where a lot of the beach scenes took place. You might want to avoid getting into the water though.
The Shining
Remember the hotel in the 1980 film The Shining? Well its real name is the Timberland Lodge in Oregon. Here is where Kubrick filmed outside and exterior scenes. Hopefully it doesn’t snow while you are staying there.
The Exorcist
The house in Georgetown was where exterior clips of the movie was filmed.  Located in Prospect Avenue in Washington DC a couple of strange things happened on set while it was being filmed. 

