Being a new mum is exciting and rewarding – but it’s also hard work. After all, you’ve got a new-born baby to look after, and not a lot of ‘me time’ in your diary.

However, there are lots of ways to engage with other parents and build a supportive network around you – to take off some of the strain of motherhood.

There are hundreds of supportive parenting communities across the world that help new mothers get the hand of being a parent. It gives them an opportunity to reflect upon themselves, which is a great way to de-stress, gather your thoughts and prepare yourself for the future.

If parenting is your main job and you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted, it’s perfectly reasonable to ditch the guilt and want some “time off” – even if it’s just for an hour or two at the weekend.

It’s important for mums to have some time to themselves for additional activities and socialising within their life while being a parent.

So, here are our top 5 examples of activities that are perfect for bringing new mums together.

1. Social apps and hangouts

Motherhood is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it can feel a bit lonely, especially if you don’t have many friends or relatives going through a similar situation themselves.

So, first on our list is a supportive new mum community that focuses on developing real relationships between new mothers. It’s called Mummy Social and was established in early 2015 by mum-of-three, Josie Barron.

You can download the app straight to your phone and start socialising with other mums both online and in person. It’s a convenient way to meet new people and create lasting friendships.

You can even use it to arrange playdates with other mothers who have kids the same age as yours, which means the mums can enjoy some laughs over a hot cup of coffee while the kids play and get to know each other.

There are also group meet-ups throughout the year, which is great if you want to meet other mums in more of a group setting rather than a one-to-one meeting.

2. Join a bingo group

Mums deserve to have some fun – and we don’t mean the games you’re playing with your little one. We mean the games you used to love before you became a parent.

This could be anything from high-energy sports like running and tennis, through to games you can play on your mobile, like bingo.

If you’re into playing online bingo, Wink Bingo has an established online bingo community, which means you can chat to other players who are new mums playing on just like you. The Wink community is made up of people of all ages and from all walks of life.

It’s unique because it brings players together, connecting them with their passion for the game and love of laughs. It’s a fun environment that’s super easy to use, friendly and inviting.

Crucially, it means you don’t need to leave the house to enjoy being part of it. It’s all available at the touch of a button, from the comfort of your own home – as you’ll see by registering as a Wink Bingo player.

3. Take up a craft

Craft clubs are amazing at bringing people together, and you don’t have to look very far to find one near or in your hometown.

Engaging in a craft activity can help keep your mind in the present, and many people find simple things like drawing, colouring and knitting soothing. A lot of new mums enjoy crafts because it gets them out of their heads and lets them express their creativity.

Embrace your inner artist and let her come alive by taking up a craft with your friends or other mums. Find your nearest crafting community and talk to them about your desire to meet other new mums to socialise with during your time there.

They’ll be able to direct you to a suitable club or recommend one that’s more fitting to the kind of experience you’re looking for.

4. Baby yoga

Have you ever heard of baby yoga? Don’t worry, it’s nothing too strenuous and has actually been proven as an effective (and safe) way to help babies create a balance between strength and flexibility.

It’s also a great way to bond with your baby and other new mums who have shown up to the baby yoga class hoping to meet other new parents.

A great UK baby yoga club is YogaBellies for both the mum and the baby. It’s a great opportunity to relax and includes things like massages, mum and new-born water bonding, and post-natal mum and baby yoga classes.

Classes last for an hour and help to aid growth in developing babies as well as providing soothing and bonding opportunities for both you and your baby.

5. Your local book club

Reading is one of the most relaxing and introspective pastimes in the world. Organisations such as the Reading Agency bring new parents together to read great books with other mums and their young kids.

The group has been around for a while and was established in 2008.

Since then, hundreds of mums have joined and come together to read and take some time for themselves.

Finding the time to read can be difficult, which is why a book club like this is so beneficial because it holds you accountable for your own reading time, encouraging you to broaden your horizons and read books that you might not normally have read.


Being a new mum is hard work. There’s a lot going on from changing diapers to keeping track of feeding times and making sure everyone’s in bed at the right time.

Although it’s a happy and rewarding time, new mums need as much support as they can get.

Taking up a new hobby or activity where you can interact with other mums is an excellent way to make new friends and meet people who just “get it” and understand the things you’re going through.

We hope this article has inspired you to search for supportive parenting communities you can join in your local community and if you’re a new mum, remember – you’re already doing a fantastic job.


