Suffering a miscarriage is hard to deal with and as you try to come to terms with it, you may question why it happened in the first place.
Here are six of the most common reasons that miscarriages occur:
Chromosomal abnormalities
Mismatched chromosomes make up a good portion of miscarriages; however, most mums go on to have a healthy baby.Everyone has 23 pairs of Chromosomes and they line up when the egg and sperm meet. In some instances, when either the egg or the sperm is faulty the chromosomes can’t line up properly. However, just because you suffer from one miscarriage, doesn’t mean you won’t be able to go on to have a baby.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is when women have high levels of testosterone and experience irregular ovulation and menstruation. It causes insulin resistance which prevents the endometrial lining from developing properly. It can be treated with oral anti-diabetic drugs.
Bacterial infections
Mycoplasma hominis and ureaplasma urealyticum are two types of bacteria that live in the genital tracts of both men and women. They can cause the lining of the uterus to become inflamed which makes it impossible for the embryo to develop properly. Infections like these are easily treated with antibiotics that your doctor will prescribe.
Uterine abnormalities
If your uterus is abnormally shaped the embryo can find it hard to implant or when it does implant it can find it difficult to get the proper amount of nourishment. A weak cervix can also be the cause and when the foetus starts to grow, the cervix can’t hold it in. Both are fixable through surgery or cerclage, which is when your doctor puts a stitch in your cervix to keep it closed.
Diabetes and thyroid problems
Both of these issues create hostile uterine environments and an embryo can find it difficult to survive. Make sure you take treatment prescribed by your doctor for both your diabetes and thyroid condition.
Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs
Nicotine in cigarettes travels through the placenta and interferes with the foetus’ blood supply thus causing miscarriage. Drinking more than two alcoholic drinks a day and dabbling in recreational drugs before or during pregnancy can trigger a miscarriage. Giving up habits like these before getting pregnant help to increase your odds of a successful pregnancy.
Always talk to your doctor or someone you trust if you find you are struggling to get deal with a miscarriage.

