Your first pregnancy is all about learning the ropes and trying to get a handle on what's going on. However, your second pregnancy is all very different.
If you are thinking of having another baby or are pregnant with your second, here are six things that you will definitely notice that are slightly different:
You’ll feel a little bigger
If you were lucky to have a small, neat bump on your first pregnancy, you might not be so lucky on your second. While a lot of women complain that they put on extra weight second time around, the problem usually stems from not starting out the same size as you did previously.
You’ll really know what tired feels like
If you were tired on your first, you are going to be a lot more exhausted on your second. While not actually due to the fact that you are pregnant, it has more to do with the tiny person you are already running after.
You won’t be as nervous (hopefully)
First-time-mums are more often than not a ball of stress. Learning all about the different stages and Googling every little symptom can be pretty nerve wrecking. Second time and you’re an old pro. You no longer lie awake at night trying to find the source of your back ache and weird fluttery feelings in your tummy.
Your body will feel things a lot more
Your first time round will have certainly done a job on your body leaving it more susceptible to pregnancy-related symptoms like back pain.
You will feel your baby kick sooner
For most women first time round, they don’t feel their baby kicking until they are in their second trimester. This is slightly different second time round as you start to feel them a lot earlier. This is due to the fact that your muscles are slightly weaker.
You will carry lower
Again this is due to the fact that you’re muscles are stretched and slightly weaker, so they can’t support baby as well. There are some good sides and bad sides to this. On the plus you’ll feel less restricted around your chest area but on the downside you will need to go to the toilet a lot more often.

