Welcome to the third trimester, you're almost there!


However, while the end is in sight, you're not quite there yet, and the last few months can actually be THE WORST! 


Whether you have been through it or are fast approaching the final hurdle, you are bound to be able to relate to at least one of these...


1. The second trimester lulls you into a sense of security

Just when you think things are getting better, wham, you’re back to feeling sick and groggy.


2. The end is so close but so far

Your due date is just out of your grasp... Just a little bit further.



3. You have literally ballooned overnight

Fingers crossed it’s more fluid retention than Baby...


4. And even though you’re convinced it can’t get any bigger, it will.

Trust us.


5. Not only do your shoes not fit anymore but you can’t even see your feet to get them on

Oh woe is me.



6. You’re legs have never felt so hairy

Not since that time you broke your ankle and it was in a cast for six weeks.


7. Your back hurts more than you could have ever anticipated

And the fact that you can’t lie down properly is not helping the situation.



8. The fact that your baby is constantly kicking your ribs

They’ll make one hell of a footballer, that’s for sure.


9. And finding a comfortable sleeping position is IMPOSSIBLE




Don't get us wrong, we LOVE being pregnant, but it's a long nine months...! 


SHARE if you're starting to feel the pain! 


