Very few men admit to shedding a tear from time to time, but Bridesmaids star Chris O' Dowd was more than happy to admit he was reduced to tears during a very special moment following the birth of his son, Art.

Speaking to the Guardian newspaper, the Irish actor, who married writer Dawn O'Porter in August 2012, opened up about his wife's first successful attempt at breastfeeding and admitted it was a poignant moment.

Having been asked when he last had a sob, the actor quickly pinpointed that special time and in true Chris fashion managed to make a joke at the same time.

Recalling the moment, the actor answered: "When our baby took to the boob for the first time – happy tears at him having his first feed, but also sad at the thought of how many more boobs he’ll seek out before he’s truly happy.”

Between his dad's tongue-in-cheek comments and his mum's hilarious admissions, Art is going to be one very funny little boy!


