While missing a period is a huge indicator that you are pregnant, it’s most certainly not the only one.


Not all of us women are on the ball when it comes to knowing the EXACT date of our last period, and it can be difficult knowing if you are late or not!


Thankfully, that is not the only sign that you are expecting a little one – there are so many other signs and symptoms that you can keep an eye out for:


1. Nausea in the morning

Morning sickness can strike at anytime, but if you find you’re feeling ill or just not yourself when you get up it may be a sign that you are either coming down with something or you’re pregnant...


2. Fatigue

We all feel tired now and again, but if you are simply exhausted and can’t face even cooking dinner because you simply don’t have the energy for it, you can blame your increased levels of progesterone, which make you feel sleepy.



3. Serious mood swings

If you find yourself crying at the smallest thing or are extremely emotional at everything you see, you can put it down to the flood of pregnancy hormones that are literally taking over your body now.


4. Dizziness

During pregnancy your blood pressure can drop making you feel lightheaded or dizzy. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling a little light-headed in the early days.


5. Tender breasts

Sore and tenders breasts is one of the most obvious signs that you are expecting (apart from your missed period of course!) This is due to hormonal changes that can make your breast tender or sensitive.



6. Shortness of breath

A growing baby can put pressure on your lungs and diaphragm, leaving you feeling short of breath.


7. A frequent need to urinate

When you are pregnant, your body produces a lot more fluid which can cause your bladder to work overtime.


8. Headaches

Headaches in early pregnancy are actually quite common; as your hormones start to change and increase you may experience a number of headaches.


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