If you have ever been witness to your youngster losing their balloon you will know the sheer devastation that it can cause, something this aunt knows about all too well. 


On a recent family trip to the zoo, Lavania Olewa Oluban’s three-year-old nephew, Logan, sadly lost his penguin balloon, which he had named Pengy.


The youngster was understandably very upset that it was gone, so Lavania told him that Pengy had gone off travelling.


Not satisfied to leave it there, the aunt took to Facebook to ask family and friends abroad to send a postcard to Logan from Pengy with a message about his travels.



Within weeks of the social media post going out, the little boy, who lives in Birmingham, was receiving cards from all over the world, including Scotland, Ireland, Spain and even Colorado.




While we’re sure the little boy still misses his penguin balloon, it seems he’s delighted to be able to track his travels.


“He absolutely loves the stories and all of the pictures on the postcards too, and asks a lot of questions about all the places, and has pointed them out on to his globe (with help),” the aunt told Buzzfeed.



What a really lovely idea! We wish Pengy all the best with the rest of his travels.


