Pregnancy can be a long nine months and as you go through each trimester you can suffer from anxiety, sleep problems and stress, none of which are good for you when expecting.


Thankfully, there is something you can do to help relieve you of these problems and it doesn't involve medication or anything too complicated. Simply listen to music.


We are all aware of how music makes us feel, but did you know that it is extremely beneficial during pregnancy? Here are four ways music benefits you:


It helps you de-stress

We all know that stress during pregnancy is not recommended and that it is important to keep your stress levels down as much as you can. However, this can be hard particularly if you are going through a trying pregnancy, work in a high pressurised environment, or have a lot on your plate. One of the most effective ways to help reduce this is to listen to soothing or calming music.


It can motivate you

There is nothing like a good upbeat tempo to get you feeling motivated. Pregnancy can be a long and trying time and often, especially during the first and last trimester when you are feeling fatigued, it can be a struggle to find the energy to do anything. However, pop on your favourite dancing song and you will feel a world of difference.


Helps you sleep

Insomnia and sleep problems are a common symptom of pregnancy and it can be particularly frustrating. But thankfully, music, especially classical music offers a natural relaxant which can help you doze off. Download a number of your favourite classical tunes and listen to them while you are in bed.


Helps you cope with anxiety

While most mums-to-be experience a smooth sailing pregnancy, others can be plagued by uncertainty and anxiety. Thankfully, music can help you feel more relaxed, like you have had a massage, and at ease. Double the benefit by getting a massage while listening to your favourite relaxing tunes.

