Bernard Brogan and his wife Keira Doyle celebrated quite the momentous occasion this weekend. The proud parents christened their twin boys on Sunday and there’s no doubt it was a day they’ll ever forget.
The proud dad took to Instagram to share a handful of personal snaps with his followers from the big day.
Bernard stood proudly alongside his family in the church. His brothers Alan and Paul looked as happy as ever for their sibling.
The GAA star captioned the snaps: “Christening day for the lads! #godfatherpart3”
The boys’ Christening cake was blue and white and featured two little bears and alphabet blocks on it.
The cake read, ‘On your Christening Day Donagh and Keadán.’
We just can’t get over how big Bernard and Keira’s boys have gotten. They have grown up so quickly.
Aren’t Donagh and Keadán the cutest pair?
The Dublin GAA player became a dad on July 13 and there’s no doubt he’s been enjoying every moment since Keira delivered their darling boys.
The family recently marked another major milestone with their first family holiday. Bernard and Keira took the boys to Fota Island in Cork and it looks like they had the most wonderful time.
The family-of-four couldn’t have chosen a better destination for their first holiday.
We’ve been loving the constant social media updates from the new dad.