Perhaps an inordinate number of families accidentally discarded their trusty tin opener with the Christmas wrapping paper in December or millions of individuals are gearing up for a zombie apocalypse this year, but whatever the reason, there's no doubt that one particular video, which has been online since 2013, has seen a recent surge in popularity.

Uploaded by CrazyRussianHacker, this three-minute tutorial addresses an issue which each and every one of us has been faced with at least once in our lives - the lack of a tin opener when you really, no, really really, need one!

According to these two guys, misplacing this standard kitchen utensil is no reason to throw in the towel and call off dinner because, with a few small steps and a little know-how, you'll wonder why you ever shelled out for a tin opener in the first place.

The video, which has amassed almost 34,000,000 views since its original upload, suggests that all you'll need to tend to this kitchen catastrophe is a pair of hands, your garden wall and a little elbow grease.

Will you be trying it the next time you're frantically rifling through those kitchen cupboards?!


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