For some, the decision to conceive again after a miscarriage is easy. You want a child and you will keep trying until you do. For others, it is not so cut and dry. Enduring a miscarriage is hard on a person’s emotions and many might choose not to go through that kind of suffering again. If you do decide to try again, there are a few questions to be asked first.
Chances of another miscarriage:
Since it can be difficult to understand why there was a miscarriage in the first place, it is nearly impossible to say with any certainly after a first miscarriage what the chances of it happening again are. Rest assured that at least 85 percent of women who have miscarried will have a successful childbirth at some point. The number is high even for women who have lost multiple children, as high as 75 percent. If you can handle the potential of losing another child, the numbers are in your favour that you will eventually give birth to a healthy baby.
Time between Conceptions:
Because of the changes your body goes through during pregnancy, and even when you miscarry, it is important not to rush into trying to get pregnant again. Most doctors will ask you to wait a few months before attempting to conceive to allow your body to heal and prepare for another try. It is a good idea to have 2 or 3 menstrual cycles before going again to be certain your body is back in action.