Finding out you are pregnant is a joyous occasion but whether you are with someone or not, it can also be a frightening, lonely and overwhelming time. 


There are lots of reasons a mum-to-be can find herself coping alone, but no matter what your situation there are ways to help you feel better able to cope.   


Believe you can do it

Just like mums-to-be in a relationship, there will be times that you can be more scared than anything, but it is important you stay positive. Whether you have a partner or not doesn’t affect you as a mum so believe that you can do it, because you can.


Find support

It can be tough attending antenatal classes, doctor appointments and scans when you are alone. There is a lot of information to take in making it pretty overwhelming so get a support partner to go with you. Whether it’s your mum, dad, brother, sister or even a close friend ask someone you trust to be there for you. 


Accept any offerings of help

You have nothing to prove to anyone so accept help when people offer it to you. We have no doubt that you are capable of doing it on your own, but that doesn’t mean you can't ask someone to make you a meal for when you are too exhausted or bring you to doctor appointments.


Get clued up on your rights and entitlements

Being a single mum means that you are entitled to help from the government so talk to your local social welfare office who will be able to let you know what you are eligible for. There is nothing wrong with asking for and accepting financial help. 


Seek legal advice

If you feel you would benefit from it, seek legal advice about financial help and visitation rights if the father is on the scene. If you are on good terms, you might not need to seek help.


Talk to work

If you are in work, talk to your boss about your situation. They may be able to offer you flexi-time, time off for appointments or even let you work from home. Don’t hide your pregnancy just because you don’t have a partner – be open and honest just like you would if you did have someone by your side. 


Get excited

You are currently growing a teeny, tiny person who will shower you in love and you them. So get excited about all the fun that you are going to have together. 


