We recently reported on an alleged case of an ‘angel’ in an ultrasound, and yet another couple have been left pondering by what they stumbled across in their own scan.


Yvonne Spence and John Reynolds are expecting a son, and as many other mums-to-be can relate to, it hasn’t been plain sailing for Yvonne.


The mum-to-be has had a difficult pregnancy journey, having suffered from back pain and experienced contractions at six months.


At 32 weeks, the couple’s son is almost at a full-term weight, and they decided to go for a scan last week, just to make sure that all is well with their little one.



While they were relieved to hear that everything was okay with their son, Yvonne and John were left baffled by what appears to be the image of a face in their ultrasound!


“We never noticed anything until we got home and looked at the scan picture, as we were more concerned everything was okay with Baby. You can clearly see the face of a young man in the scan picture. We cannot explain this – and are spooked by it!” said John.


Unlike other heartwarming stories, Yvonne and John have insisted that the face bears no resemblance to any of their family members.


