Worryingly, there have been a lot of reports circulating in recent times on the subject of babies swapped at birth, and two South African families’ lives have been turned upside-down in the latest case.


A Pretoria court has ruled that two five-year-olds mistakenly swapped at birth are not to be returned to their biological families.


According to reports, the children – a boy and a girl, born on the same day in 2010 – were sent home with the wrong parents after nurses got their identities mixed up.



The truth only came to light when one of the unidentified mothers took a DNA test, after her ex-husband claimed not to be their child’s father.


Following the shocking revelation, one of the mothers decided to try and have her biological child returned to her, however the South African court ruled against her application yesterday. A court adviser confirmed that the children will now be considered to have been adopted by their respective families, and the woman is now said to have accepted the decision.


“Now it is as if they are the children of the parents with which they are living. Nobody is fighting it. Three of the parents totally agree with the decision. One father is uncertain but he said through his lawyers that he would abide by the decision of the court,” the adviser told Reuters.


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