When it comes to talking about the birds and the bees with their children, many parents can feel a little uncomfortable just thinking about it.


However, this dad, who posted his advice on Reddit, is not only unfazed by the big talk that many of us try to avoid for as long as possible, he also manages to give his 13- and 15-year-old some pretty sound advice.


If you have yet to have the chat with your brood, you’ll definitely benefit from t-away-man’s four signs that will help his kids know if they are ready for the next step:


"I am a father of a boy(13) and a girl(15). I told them that it was alright for them to be sexually active as soon as they were "ready". I then went on the say what "ready" means: 


1) Mature enough to be open about it.. no sneaking around.. if they're not mature enough to talk to me or their Mom about it, they're not ready.


2) Mature enough to wait until they develop full trust in their partners... start slow and work your way from holding hands and talking to kissing, touching etc. That gives you time to really know your partner, develop trust and a measure of real affection not just infatuation and lust (don't get me wrong.. I'm not putting down lust... it's just not the best emotion for life decisions).


3) Mature enough to understand the need for and to use condoms.


4) I also told them not to have sex in creepy places like school stairwells or behind the gym. They have perfectly good bedrooms with doors that lock and their friends will be welcome to stay for breakfast."



He was a little worried about how his post would go down, but was delighted with all the positive feedback he received.


"I'm pleased and impressed with how much positive feedback I've received, especially from other parents who have implemented similar approaches and from young people who were raised to be sex positive. I also saw a lot of responses from young people from sex prohibitionist households wishing that they weren't."


