Birthdays are undoubtedly special occasions, but have you ever wondered if your impending little one's birthday is popular or rare?
Now there's a simple way to find out, thanks to the Central Statistics Office website.
The CSO has created an online tool that tells you where your birthday ranks in popularity compared to the rest of the country, and it's a handy way to tell if your due date is common or not.
Overall October 1 emerges as the most common birthday for Irish people, so if you're due on this day, prepare yourself for a few years of tactically sending out your child's birthday invites weeks in advance to avoid clashes.
The notorious February 29 is the rarest, for obvious reasons, with Christmas Day and St Stephen's Day being the second and third rarest, so if you don't want to give birth over Christmas, statistics say you mightn't.
November is also the most uncommon month to have a birthday.
Nine of the top 10 dates of birth were towards the end of September, making this the most common time for due dates.
Is it a coincidence that September is nine months on from the festive New Years season? We think not.