Family games night: 6 fun & simple DIY Halloween games to enjoy together

Halloween is right around the corner and we’re really getting into the spirit of things this year. 

We can’t wait for pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating with our little ones, but this year, we're looking for extra Halloween-themed activities to do as a family.

There’s only so many spooky movies we can watch together, so we’ve decided to share 6 fun and simple Halloween games to play. The best thing is, you can play all of these games from the comfort of home because the weather is getting just a bit too chilly for us right now. 

Have a look at our Halloween game ideas below and enjoy a frightfully fun family games night.

Apple bobbing 

A classic Halloween game. Get a bowl or bucket of water and place some apples in it. Take it in turns to bob your head into the water and catch the apple using only your mouth. Always supervise young children when playing with water. 

Pin the head on the skeleton 

Print out or draw the shape of a skeleton’s body and draw his skull separately. Stick the body up on a wall with Blu tack and put Blu tack on the back of the skull. Place a blindfold on whoever is playing and carefully spin them around a couple of times. Hand them the skull and let them try to place the head in the correct part of the skeleton, just like you do with pin the tail on the donkey. 

Eyeball spoon race

A spooky twist on a sports day classic. Decorate boiled eggs to look like eyes by painting them white and adding pupils and veins. Line up your children and give them all a spoon each with an ‘eye’ on it. Let them race to see who is frightfully fast. 

Scavenger hunt 

Collect Halloween decorations or sweet treats and hide them in different places around your house. Write a list of what you’ve hidden and let your little ones loose as they try to find all of the hidden items. 

Name that tune

Create a playlist or search on Spotify for Halloween music. Have everyone sit down and try to name the Halloween song as quickly as they can. Include everything from Monster Mash, Somebody’s Watching Me and Ghostbusters. Children and adults of all ages will love this game. 

Ghost knockout

All you need are some white plastic cups, googly eyes and a small ball such as a stress ball, ping pong ball or tennis ball. Stick two googly eyes to each plastic cup to make them look like a ghost and stack them up as a pyramid. Take it in turns to throw the ball at the stacked cups and see who can knock down the most. 

