Dogs are the most popular family pet and are great additions to the family home; however, there are a few steps you need to take to protect yourself and your bump. Don’t let them jump on your stomach while you are sitting or lying down and make sure all their vaccinations are up-to-date. If they have bad habits such as biting or jumping, make sure you break them of this before baby arrives.
Cats are a little bit different to dogs as they spend a lot of time outside the house exploring. While they are a great pet, there is the possibility of pregnant women picking up toxoplasmosis while handling cat litter or cat dirt. Toxoplasmosis is a parasite carried by cats and is passed through their faeces so avoid cleaning out their littler tray while pregnant and try to keep your cat inside and always wash your hands after handling your pet. The illness can cause complications in pregnancy including birth defects.
If you bird is in good health you should be ok about keeping it during your pregnancy. Take it to the vets if you are not certain. Birds can transmit various infections including campylobacter and chlamydiosis so get someone else to clean out its cage.
Hamsters and guinea pigs
You need to be very cautious if you have these types of pets in your house as they can carry lymphocytic choriomeningitis. You can catch it if you are bitten or if you touch the animal’s excretions. It can cause effects or loss of pregnancy. Avoid handling the rodent and always wash your hands if you do come in contact with it.
Some families keep reptiles as pets including snakes, turtles and lizards. Some of these animals can carry salmonella so it is vitally important you don’t handle them when pregnant. If possible have the animal removed from the home until baby is born. They also pose a risk to your child when born and it is advised kids under five don’t handle them. Symptoms include abdominal pains, muscles aches, vomiting and diarrhoea.