Are you tired of being tired? The body is constantly making new red blood cells through a complex process that requires a daily supply of iron.  If the supply of iron is inadequate it will lead to a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, and will consequently weaken the whole body.
Floradix® is a unique, liquid supplement that has been formulated to be an excellent source of iron without the risk of excess iron storage. Floradix® contains organic iron (II) from ferrous gluconate, vitamins B2, B6, B12 and C which contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to normal energy-yielding metabolism. In addition, iron contributes to normal red blood cell formation, supported by vitamins B6 and B12, and haemo globin formation.
Due to the high absorption rate of Floradix®, very little unabsorbed iron enters into the intestinal tract and therefore constipation is avoided. 
It is best to take Floradix® on an empty stomach to ensure full absorption - so ideally 30 minutes before food or a couple of hours after. Avoid taking iron supplements with tea, coffee or milk as they can inhibit the absorption. Drinking orange juice or any other fruit juice together with iron supplements can actually help to increase the iron absorption due to the vitamin C content.
Haemochromatosis is a medical condition which leads to excessively high levels of iron in the blood. Some of they symptoms (e.g. fatigue and joint pain) are similar to those of iron deficiency. If in doubt, consult your doctor for a blood test.

