Getting pregnant isn't always straightforward, and it doesn't always happen immediately. This doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, so don't panic. In fact, it can take up to a year for some couples to conceive. 


If you are planning a baby, and would like to speed the process up, here are a few tips that may help you conceive. 


1. Get a preconception checkup

Before getting pregnant, you need to make sure you are in the best health possible for both yourself and the baby. Taking folic acid is also recommended to prevent against spina bifida. 


2. Get to know your menstrual cycle

For the best chance of getting pregnant, you'll need to have sex during the fertile window when you are ovulating or close to ovulation. 


If you are coming off hormonal contraception, your menstrual cycle may take a couple of months to adjust. Use a menstrual period tracker app to keep track of your period and fertile days. 



3. Take your temperature

Our body temperatures generally stay around 36.5C to 37.5C when we are in the best of health. But when ovulation occurs, a woman's temperature increases slightly. 


By keeping track of your temperature, you'll know when you start ovulating. It's handy if you have irregular periods and aren't sure when you ovulate.


It's a much cheaper alternative to an ovulation kit which are quite expensive.


4. Lie down after sex

You don't need to assume crazy positions with your feet in the air - this is an old wives' tale. Putting your feet in the air won't affect the movement of your pelvis, but lying down for 10-15 minutes can help the sperm move up towards the cervix. 


5. Lead a healthy lifestyle

Try to get frequent exercise and eat healthy regular meals. Having a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) - not too low or too high - is important when trying to conceive.


If you or your partner smoke, now is the time to stop. Smoking affects both male and female fertility, and can make it harder to conceive. 


It's a good idea to start cutting down on alcohol also, as if you get pregnant, you will have to cut it out.


6. Avoid stress

Psychological preparations for pregnancy are just important as physical ones. Try and reduce stress as much as possible in your professional and personal life.


If you find you are being overwhelmed with stress, there are lots of things you can try, such as exercise, meditation, yoga and acupuncture. Taking care of your emotions and managing your stress levels will be important during pregnancy, as the stress hormone cortisol can actually affect your baby. So, it’s good to eliminate as much stress as possible.



