How you cope with child birth is a completely different experience for every mum: while some opt for pain-relief others instead choose not to use any at all. While it is a completely personal decision it is important you discuss your options with your midwife, as they will be able to cater to your individual needs.


However, if you have chosen to go down the pain relief-free path, here are six things that might make giving birth a lot easier:


1. Have a shower

Never underestimate the power of water whether it’s in the bath or the shower. It will help you relax and is a great way to provide relief during the early stages and even as your contractions progress.


2. (Try to) enjoy a massage

Ask your birth partner to give your feet, lower back or even your shoulders a good deep massage. If they aren’t the best or you are doing it on your own, you can always invest in a handheld massager that will do the job.


3. Invest in a heat pack

Early labour pains can often feel like heavy period cramps, which can be relieved with a heat pad. Something like a hot water bottle placed on your lower back can help you manage the pain in the early stages.



4. Use visualisation keys

While easier said than done try to visualise yourself in a relaxing, far flung location or whatever you fancy during each contraction. Taking your mind elsewhere during the pain can help you cope a lot better.


5. Breathe

While it might not seem like much breathing correctly will help you get through a contraction. Simply breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth focusing on it at all times – this will help you relax.


Another method involves you taking in three short breaths before breathing out long and hard – you can do this throughout your contractions.


6. Move around

Try to avoid sitting or even lying in one particular spot as this won’t help with the pain. Instead, get up and move around, sit on a birthing ball, dance, rock – whatever you do it will help you feel better and progress labour along.


