It is surprisingly important to know how to use nail clippers properly. If used incorrectly, they can make a problem such as a hangnail or an ingrown nail far worse and ultimately, this could result in pain or an infection. If you are unsure how to use nail clippers properly, read this article to help brush up on a few clipping tips!
Do not use nail clippers to shape your nails. This is a common mistake that people use when it comes to nail clippers. The problem with taking this approach is that chopping off edges of nails to get a more rounded shape can result in cracks, weakening the structure of the nail. Cutting with a clippers in this way can even result in ingrown nails when done to the feet. Nail clippers should only be used to cut straight lines across the nail followed by a file which can give the nail whatever shape you want.
Use nail clippers regularly. Although long nails can look glamorous, short nails are far healthier and stronger. Unfortunately long nails can break and weaken more often than short ones can.
Clean your clippers. As with any tool you use on your nails, your clippers should be cleaned regularly. If you share them with other people, this step is particularly important. Keeping your clippers clean using hot and soapy water will help stop bacteria from spreading. If bacteria gets into the nail bed, it can cause infection.
There are many different types of nail clippers. They can come in handy when you need to get rid of a hanging or broken nail. Although they come in a wide variety of styles, sizes and colours, the above tips are universal in their application to clippers!