As soon as you start to show, your bump becomes the fascination of everyone around you. However, while some may just ask how you are, others may feel the need to touch your stomach - without even asking - which can make for a few very uncomfortable minutes.
Here are five things you can do to either prevent a hand touching your bump or get it to come off if it has been there for an uncomfortable amount of time:
Put your hand on it too
When someone decides it’s ok to pat or touch your stomach and insists on leaving it there for too long, simply put your own hand on your bump and they should instinctively move their own hand away. Hopefully.
Tell them
If you are feeling brave, simply tell them to take their hand off your bump - although make sure you do it in the nicest way possible. While some may be put off slightly by your abruptness, it is your bump and your baby and if you don’t want someone touching you, that’s your choice. They wouldn’t do it if you weren’t pregnant.
Take a step back
If you know someone is going to touch your stomach, take a step back. A couple of inches can send the message that yes, I want to talk to you but no, I don’t want you to touch my bump. Thank you very much.
Move your body
If the hand ends up on your stomach before you realise it, the best way to get it off - if it has overstayed its welcome - is to slightly twist your body. Or to avoid any awkwardness, pretend you need to look in your bag or stretch your back. Simply moving will encourage them to take their hand off.
Make a joke about it
If you know the person pretty well, you could put your own hand on their stomach. This way they can begin to understand just how uncomfortable it is to have someone’s hand inappropriately touching your stomach.

