Is she lonely?: 30 irritating remarks every mum-of-one has heard

There are SO MANY reasons to be 'one and done'.

You might only have 'the one' child because one is enough. Perhaps, you simply cannot afford another - be it an issue of time or money. Maybe your life has brought you to a place that facilitates one child or maybe your body has decided it is finished caring for babies.

Me personally, my daughter came along earlier in life than most and another child is not on the cards for a long time. No matter whether your child is ‘only’ on purpose or due to circumstance, us parents of only kids have something in common. At some stage in our lives, we have heard the following 30 comments, in some way shape or form.

  1. When I was your age, I had 3 under 3.

  2. It must be quiet with just the one.

  3. It must be so much easier.

  4. Your house must be spotless.

  5. She must be dying for a brother or sister.

  6. Would you get a dog for her?

  7. How is she interacting with others at school?

  1. She must be spoilt rotten.

  2. You must be best friends.

  3. It must save you a fortune.

  4. You must have loads of time to yourself.

  5. You must kill each other.

  6. I'd say you're mad about her.

  7. Are you worried about her, socially?

  8. She must find it hard to share.

  9. You must spend every minute together.

  10. Would you not go again, for her sake?

  11. You better give her a sibling soon or there'll be too much of a gap.

  1. Is she lonely?

  2. Does she have any cousins her age?

  3. She must play well on her own.

  4. She must love her friends.

  5. She must be an old soul.

  6. She must get on well with adults.

  1. Does she ever ask about getting a sibling?

  2. Why did you stop at one?

  3. When will number two be on the cards?

  4. How do you keep her entertained?

  5. What does she think of being an only child?

  6. You had the right idea, stopping at one!

If you are the parent of an only child, share something you have heard from others about being 'one and done', below.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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