We're all guilty of telling a few white lies when we're chatting with our kids.

Whether they're teens or toddlers or somewhere in between, there's not a single mum out there who hasn't told a porkie from time to time.

Whether it's to keep the peace, save time or spare our own blushes, we've all done it.

Here are ten times when what we said to our child didn't really tally with what we meant.

Sound familiar?

1. “It won’t be much longer.”

It’s an hour and a half and there’s nothing we can do about it.

2. “Just one more bite.”

And just another bite after that one.

3. “The lady will make us leave.”

You’re mortifying yourself…and me.

4. “I don’t know.”

I do know, but there’s no way you’re finding out yet.

5. “Because you’ll grow up big and strong.”

Because I said so.

6. “I don’t know where it is. Maybe Daddy ate it.”

I ate it and I liked it.

7. “Santa Claus can see everything. ”

I’m tired. Be good.

8. “I’ll check on you in a minute…”

… and you better be asleep.

9. “Yes honey, I’m watching!”

Oh pet, give me one second to myself.

10. I know when you’re telling lies.

Is he telling lies?



