Mark Earth Day by watching four essential documentaries available on NOW

Each year, Earth Day is celebrated around the world on 22nd April. Earth Day encourages us to not only celebrate and honour our remarkable planet, but also raises awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together for a healthier planet and brighter future.

This Earth Day, explore the wonders of our planet with four must-see documentaries on NOW. From the mesmerizing soundscapes of the natural world to the inspiring stories of environmental heroes, there’s something for everyone to learn and appreciate.

Prepare to:

Eavesdrop on nature's secret conversations with David Attenborough in his latest series, "Secret World of Sound". ️Witness revolutionary technology that captures animal communication like never before – from baby caimans chittering inside their eggs, lions battling in the dark guided only by roars, to birds mastering the art of mimicry.

Embark on a Texan Adventure with Matthew McConaughey in "Deep in the Heart". Observe majestic mountain lions, mysterious blind catfish, and a dazzling array of creatures that thrive in this interconnected ecosystem.

Take the plunge in "Whale with Steve Backshall". Dive deep into the underwater world alongside naturalist Steve Backshall as he dives with whales and dolphins in their natural habitat. This revolutionary documentary takes us closer than ever before, to reveal the close kinships we share and the future challenges these species face.

Travel to the most captivating corners of the Earth with "Undiscovered Vistas". This series will take you to some of Earth’s most remote and remarkable landscapes, from fiery volcanoes and icy glaciers to lush rainforests and scorching deserts. This documentary unveils the awe-inspiring diversity of our planet and the incredible creatures that call it home.

Witness the power of nature in its rawest form and unleash the explorer within. Stream these documentaries on NOW with an Entertainment Membership. Visit to register.

