Being involved in an accident is a terrifying prospect for any parent, but for something life-threatening to happen while you are holding your child is even scarier.


This was exactly the case for mum Kelly Bell, who has lived to tell the tale after being struck by lightning while holding her young son this week.


Kelly headed outside yesterday after a thunderstorm, and was holding her two-year-old son Logan when the incident occurred.


“I thought the thunder had passed, it had been 30 minutes since we’d seen anything, so we went outside to see the rain because we like to look at it. I said, ‘Hey Bubba, look at the rain’, and then, next thing I knew, I woke up on the floor,” Kelly told Yahoo!


Emergency services who responded to the scene were able to figure out exactly how Kelly and Logan had been hit. The lightning struck a tree, which then travelled along a metal dog lead which was connected from the tree to the porch of Kelly’s home.



“My hand was probably six to eight inches from the lead and the best we can guess is that the lightning travelled into my hand through my wedding ring,” she added.


While Kelly was holding Logan at the time, she bore the brunt of the impact; the lightning struck her on her left, and she was holding her son on her right side. Logan has been left with bruises and burns, and Kelly has been left deaf in one ear, although she does not yet know if the damage is permanent.


Kelly’s doctors have said that she and Logan are extremely lucky to have survived the accident.


