Mum shares quick car seat hack that could save your childs life

Kaitlyn Lawson, an EMT and mother, has been present at many car crashes. 

"Way too often to firefighters come upon a car wreck with children in the car who are too young to have any info and parents are unconscious," she wrote in her now-viral Facebook post. 

The 21-year-old who works for Frankton Ambulance Service in Indiana shared a tip that only takes two minutes- but could save your child's life.  

She advises writing out the child's name, date of birth, parent's names and dates of birth, emergency contacts, as well as any medicines or health conditions your child may have. 

Sticking it to your child's car seat could prove vital in an emergency. 

"This helps EMS a ton," Lawson writes. "And can also help save your child's life." 

Alexis Copas, who saw the post on Facebook, just knew she had to share it. 

Speaking to Scary Mommy, she said that the thought of her 10-month-old son being left with no one to speak for him in an emergency terrified her. 

 “If just a piece of paper with a little information on it could possibly save his life some day, it was worth the couple of minutes to write out." 

The posts have received praise, with many mums saying that they will do it themselves. 

While we never want to think of the worst when it comes to protecting our children, it only takes two minutes, a marker and a piece of paper to potentially save their lives one day. 


