The mornings are hectic and it just seems that no matter what we do it never gets easier. And, unfortunately, in our rush to get out of the house, we often end up nagging our kids and teliing them to hurry up. This isn't a particularly nice way to start the day, especially if you won’t see each other again until the afternoon or late that evening. 
But there is a way to not only make it easier for you, but also to be able to step outside the door without ever once having said ‘hurry up’ or ‘come on, we’re late’ to your child.
Get up earlier
We know it’s easier said than done but seriously, getting up even 15 minutes earlier will give you so much more time. Avoid hitting the snooze button and go to bed thinking, ‘I will get up early, I will get up early’ and you probably will.
Put on some music
Pop the radio on and enjoy some music as soon as you get up. Certain songs can put you in a good mood and get you ready for the day. You never know, you might find yourself dancing around the kitchen.
Get up before the kids
Trying to get ourselves and the kids ready at the same time is just asking for trouble. So, unless thery can get dressed on their own without any hassle, you need to get ready first. So when they do decide to rise and shine, you will be there make-up done, tea in one hand ready to give them help. This is where you will really fel the benefit of achieving the first point. 
Have breakfast ready
Have cups, plates, bowls, cereals and whatever it is they need for breakfast laid out on the table the night before. This will take your about five minutes before you go to bed, but will give you an extra few precious minutes the next day. Think about it, you won’t end up rooting in presses for dishes only to realise they are all in the dishwasher, which you forgot to put on last night.
Stay calm. Even if you did get up late or the kids are running extra slow, stay calm. Breathe and count to ten before you start nagging or yelling at them. Your stress will likely rub off onto your little ones making them agitated and cranky. This is the start of a slippery sloop. So stay calm. 

