Have you ever considered looking at the items you have in your home as a way of making money? Besides cluttering up your rooms, some things that you might look upon as rubbish may be worth a few bob!


If you are looking for a way to generate some extra income, have a look in your attic, under the bed or even in the shed for any of the following items - you never know what they might be worth!


1. Old computers

Don’t leave your old computer, games console or even old fashioned telephone to get dusty in the attic – depending on their condition they might be worth a lot more than you may think.



2. Board games

Toys from the 90s are starting to make a name for themselves online meaning they may be worth a few bob or two.



3. Collectable cards

Remember the football or Pokémon cards that you used to play with as a kid? Well it's time to have a root around your parents’ house for them – they can earn you a hefty sum if they are in demand.



4. Gold jewellery

You’ve seen the ads asking for any unwanted gold jewellery that you might have lying around the house – now start looking for them!



5. Rare coins

Check that old bag of coins that you’ve had sitting in your drawer for years – if there’s a rare or unique one hiding in there you’ll be in the money (hopefully).



6. Vinyl records

That obsession you had with vinyl records in your youth might pay off if the ones you have in your collection are in demand.




