Family life is NEVER like it is portrayed in the movies, especially when you try to get everyone to do an activity together.
No matter how much you expect things to turn out like a Brady Bunch outing, the reality is never anything like the perfect family life that we are made to believe exists - because it doesn’t!
If you have ever tried to organise a family day out, you’ll definitely be able to relate to these eight expectations vs. realities.
1. Going for a family walk
The whole family will pop on their walking shoes, the air will be crisp and fresh and you’ll all go back to enjoy a well-deserved roast with all the trimmings.
It’ll be raining, and at least one person will wear shoes that are not suitable for where you're going. When you do get home, you’ll be too tired after hauling the youngest on your back for three hours that it’ll be eggs and chips for dinner.
2. Going for a bike ride
Dressed in all the right gear, you'll cycle in a family line - Mum at the front and Dad at the back - along the harbour as the sun breaks through wispy clouds. 
You'll spend most of your time looking over your shoulder to make sure the kids are ok or shouting at them when a car comes. Dressed in your well-worn leggings and rain jacket (that is NOT waterproof), you'll be huffing and puffing before you've even made it down the road. 
3. A drive to the countryside
The whole family will sing songs, tell jokes, try to spot sheep and play eye spy before reaching your destination – a picture-perfect countryside where you’ll enjoy a tasty picnic.
No one will want to go and you’ll spend the entire hour stopping fights and listening to cries of “I’m bored!” When you do arrive, you’ll be too wrecked to actually want to get out of the car!
4. Family swim in the local pool
You’ll do a few laps while the kids happily play splash with each other.
It’ll be cold, one child will cling on to you for dear life and the rest will end up fighting over who got water in whose eyes! Getting everyone out and dressed again will leave you in a cold sweat. Never again.
5. Going out for dinner
You totally deserve a night away from the kitchen, and there’s nothing like catching up with the kids over a tasty pizza that’s not from a packet.
The kids will start running around the moment you get there – ignoring your threats of leaving without ordering dessert. When you do finally get them to sit down, they’ll start banging the table with their cutlery, demanding food be served straight away.
6. Going bowling
There will be healthy competition between the kids and the parents and you’ll all enjoy a burger after you declare it a draw.
There won’t be enough light bowling balls for all the kids, someone will forget to put on socks and one member of the family will be so competitive that they’ll end up getting in a huff for the rest of the day.
7.  Arts and crafts
The table will be laid with all kinds of scrap paper and materials and you’ll all make a masterpiece that will hang pride of place on the fridge.
Someone will spill the glitter on the carpet, you’ll run out of glue before everyone’s had a chance to use it and one of the kids will hog all the nice looking paper.  
8. Trying to watch a Netflix movie at home with everyone
You’ll pull your duvet off your bed, bring it down to the living room, find a movie on Netflix suitable for everyone and spend the afternoon snuggling.
Someone will spill the popcorn but everyone will be so engrossed in the movie you won’t care at all.
Life doesn’t always go according to plan, especially when little ones are involved, but you can always come out on top when you’ve got Netflix on your side.
With hundreds of titles to choose from, this is one thing that the family will always agree on – perfect when just about everything else is falling to pieces!

